Blood transfusions save lives and improve health. But so many patients who are struggling with blood loss do not have timely access to quality-assured blood. Unsafe transfusion practices and not checking the quality of blood bags expose patients to the risk of serious transfusion-transmissible infections and other serious health conditions. When the patients are provided with expired or low-quality blood, the chances of them getting into danger are very high.
The blood bank monitoring system, invented by Bagmo, plays an important role in providing patients with quality blood. Without a monitoring system, there is no guarantee about the blood bags, temperature variations, or the expiration of the products. In this case, no one can assure that the patients are getting quality blood. But with the help of our blood bank monitoring system, the process got much easier and more effective.
- Temperature monitoring
The blood bank monitoring system by Bagmo provides end-to-end temperature monitoring of individual blood bags, thereby providing quality assured blood to the patients. It will measure the temperature of the bags in the blood bank refrigerator and also track them during transportation.
- Vein-to-vein tracking
The system will trace individual blood bags from collecting the blood to transfusion. So that the system stores all the data from donor to patient. Every single detail is stored as data from the time of donation till the transfusion. By chance, if the doctor mistakes the patient for another individual blood bag, or an error occurred from the side of the blood centre, our monitoring system, according to the data provided, will alert on the spot by tracing the blood bag and will immediately update the blood centre about the same.
- Real-time alerts
The blood bank monitoring system sends real-time alerts via SMS and email if any temperature breaches are noticed. When temperature breaches happen, our blood bank traceability system will send alerts to all authorities, thereby saving the patient from receiving unsafe blood. So that the respective authorities can take immediate action regarding the same to prevent any harm. By giving real-time alerts, we can easily identify temperature variations or expired blood bags and ensure that only quality blood is provided to the patients.
- Patient-level tracking
When the individual blood bag is carried by staff to the ward where the patient is, our blood bag traceability system, through a cold chain, will check whether there are any temperature variations happening in between the time period of taking the blood from the blood bank, transport, to ward or procedure room. This patient-level tracking method helps in double-checking the quality of the blood.
- First-In, First-Out & Last-In, First-Out
Bagmo follows the first in first out (FIFO) rule for the purpose of ensuring the availability of quality blood to patients. We always prioritize providing the first collected blood to direct patients to avoid wastage and get quality blood.
But this is not the case with storage centres. To talk about the matter of storage centres, Bagmo follows the last in first out rule. The last collected blood will be provided to the initial patients because, in the storage centers, the life capacity of the blood bag is large. For added safety, we can also track the expiration and temperature variations through our blood bag monitoring system.